Mothers 15 cents a minute

Mothers 15 cents a minute

Original title: Madres 0,15 el minuto
Production: Meridional producciones cinematográficas S.L.; Telemadrid
Country: Spain
Director: Marina Seresesky
Script: Marina Seresesky; Julio Salvatierra
Photography: Roberto Fernández
Music: Mariano Marín
Year: 2011
Duration: 52
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English


Is it possible to be a mother in the distance? Is it possible to educate from a booth? Women who travel thousands of miles to give a better future to their children, tell us how they live through the reality of being mothers across a telephone or a computer, making the booth their second home and transforming their voices into their most valuable resource.

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