La otra imagen

La otra imagen

Original title: La otra imagen
Production: Teide P.C.
Country: Spain
Director: Antoni Ribas
Script: Narcís Comadira; Gabriel Moll Blanes; Dolors Oller; Antoni Ribas; Miguel Sanz
Photography: Aurelio G. Larraya
Music: Juan Pineda
Cast: Francisco Rabal; Julián Mateos; Jeannine Mestres; Asunción Balaguer; Fernando Ulloa
Year: 1972
Duration: 90
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


A married couple of blind people, parents of a seeing girl, see their lives take a turn when they meet at a concert a mature blind man full of vitality.


Winner of the Prize of the National Syndicate of Spectacle, 1972: Best Male Star (Julián Mateos)

Nominated for a Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, 1973

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