My man Godfrey

My man Godfrey

Original title: My man Godfrey
Production: Universal Pictures
Country: United States
Director: Gregory La Cava
Script: Eric Hatch; Morrie Ryskind
Photography: Ted Tetzlaff
Music: Charles Previn; Rudy Schrager
Cast: William Powell; Carole Lombard; Gail Patrick; Alice Brady; Eugene Pallette; Alan Mowbray; Jean Dixon; Mischa Auer; Pat Flaherty; Robert Light
Year: 1936
Duration: 94
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish; English
Keywords: romance, romantic comedy, comedia romántica


A socialite young woman hires a derelict with a mysterious past, to be her family's butler, only to fall in love with him, much to his dismay.

Based on the novel 1101 Park Avenue, by Eric Hatch.


Nominated to 6 Oscar Awards in 1937: Best Actor in a Leading Role (William Powell); Best Actress in a Leading Role (Carole Lombard); Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Mischa Auer); Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Alice Brady); Best Director (Gregory La Cava); and, Best Writing, Screenplay (Eric Hatch, Morrie Ryskind)

Winner of National Film Registry, in 1999.

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