Women in love, or, Lover

Women in love, or, Lover

Original title: L'Amoureuse
Production: La Sept; France 3 (FR 3); Nanterre-Amandiers; Lola Films
Country: France
Director: Jacques Doillon
Script: Jean-François Goyet; Jacques Doillon
Photography: Caroline Champetier
Cast: Marianne Denicourt; Aurelle Doazan; Catherine Bidaut; Hélène de Saint-Père; Isabelle Renauld; Agnès Jaoui; Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
Year: 1987
Duration: 98
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: No
Keywords: TV movie, telefilm


Some friends get together in Normandy, in a house by the sea, on the anniversary of one of them, Vanessa. But she, whom Michel has left, does not feel like party...

Originally recorded for television, this film was released in theaters in 1993.

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