Doctor Justice

Doctor Justice

Original title: Docteur Justice
Production: Les Productions Belles Rives; Talía Films
Country: France
Director: Christian-Jaque
Script: Christian-Jaque; Jacques Robert; Andrés Velasco
Photography: Michel Kelber; Max Pantéra
Music: Ángel Arteaga; Pierre Porte
Cast: John Phillip Law; Gert Fröbe; Nathalie Delon; Roger Paschy; Henri Marteau; Gilles Béhat; Lionel Vitrant; Jean Lanier; Hugo Blanco; Eduardo Fajardo; Paul Naschy
Year: 1975
Duration: 112
Genre: Action
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: No


 Dr. Benjamin Justice reaches Witches to participate in a medical conference. When preparing to leave the plane, a passenger is killed and before his death he points the doctor, who thus becomes the prime suspect.

Based on the comic by Raphael Marcello and Jean Ollivier. Co-production between France and Spain.

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