Wings for history: the rescue of a myth

Wings for history: the rescue of a myth

Original title: Alas para la historia: el rescate de un mito
Production: Explora Films; Telemadrid; F.I.O
Country: Spain
Director: José Manuel Novoa
Script: José Manuel Novoa
Year: 2006
Duration: 52
Genre: Historic documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


This documentary tells the story of the reconstruction and start up of the last POLICARPOV I-16. Jos Mara Bravo, a Republican fighter during the Spanish Civil War, tells us how to fly this aircraft. We will also see old airplanes on route owned by the Infante de Orleans Foundation, as the mythical single-seater Loring, which during the 30s travelled from Spain to the Philippines.

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