Guest in the house

Guest in the house

Original title: Guest in the house
Production: Hunt Stromberg Productions; United Artists
Country: United States
Director: John Brahm
Script: Ketti Frings
Photography: Lee Garmes
Music: Werner Janssen
Cast: Anne Baxter; Ralph Bellamy; Aline MacMahon; Ruth Warrick
Year: 1944
Duration: 121
Genre: Thriller
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: Film-noir, cine negro


 Evelyn (Anne Baxter), an emotionally vulnerable and unstable woman, stays at the home of her doctor Dan Proctor (Scott McKay). There she meets and falls in love with his brother, Douglas (Ralph Bellamy), who is happily married to Ann (Ruth Warrick). Evelyn then sets forth to break up the happy marriage and win the love of Douglas, with tragic results.


 Nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture (Werner Janssen)

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