Best of Seven

Best of Seven

Original title: Best of Seven
Production: Jester Independent; Sugy & the Movie Company
Country: United States
Director: Jonnie Stapleton
Script: Jonnie Stapleton; Domenico Grasso
Photography: Domenico Grasso
Cast: Jonnie Stapleton; Paula Kelley; Jim Armstrong; Lacey Hannan; Pearce Joza; Erika Ishii; Sophia Flot-Warner; Mike Stephens; Paul Petersen; Adam Hansen
Year: 2016
Duration: 95
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: English


A quiet man who suffers from multiple personality disorder is talked into stop taking his medications by his parents, who are sure he is fully healed. He agrees to stop taking them for a week, and that unleashes all his other personalities to destroy his life.

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