The secret

The secret

Original title: Le secret
Production: Les Productions Bagheera; Diaphana Films; France 3 Cinéma
Country: France
Director: Virginie Wagon
Script: Virginie Wagon; Erick Zonca
Photography: Jean-Marc Fabre
Cast: Anne Coesens; Michel Bompoil; Tony Todd; Quentin Rossi; Jacqueline Jehanneuf; Aladin Reibel; Valérie Vogt; Frédéric Sauzay; Natalya Ermilova; Charlotte Pradon
Year: 2000
Duration: 107
Genre: Romance
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: English


Marie, 35-year-old, a seller of encyclopedias, loves her husband Francois, who wants to have a second child. But Mary doubts, without knowing why. One day, she meets a singular client, Bill, a black American of fifty years. At first intrigued, she gradually falls under his spell...

Warning: This movie may contain nudity scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.


Winner of the Prix Tournage, at Avignon Film Festival 2000

Winner of the Michel d'Ornano Award, at Deauville Film Festival 2000

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