Fedra, the devil's daughter

Fedra, the devil's daughter

Original title: Fedra
Production: Suevia Films - Cesáreo González
Country: Spain
Director: Manuel Mur Oti
Script: Manuel Mur Oti; Antonio Vich
Photography: Manuel Berenguer
Music: Guillermo Cases
Cast: Emma Penella; Enrique Diosdado; Vicente Parra; Manuel de Juan; Raúl Cancio; Rafael Calvo; Porfiria Sanchíz; Alfonso Rojas; Ismael Elma
Year: 1956
Duration: 100
Genre: Drama
Color: BW
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


Estrella, the lighthouse keeper's daughter, is a wild young woman, who is lusted after by every man and therefore hated by the female community.

Based on the play by Miguel de Unamuno.

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