Teenagers from outer space, or, The Gargon terror

Teenagers from outer space, or, The Gargon terror

Original title: Teenagers from outer space
Production: Tom Graeff Productions
Country: United States
Director: Tom Graeff
Script: Tom Graeff
Photography: Tom Graeff
Music: Tom Graeff; Geordie Hormel; William Loose; Spencer Moore; Fred Steiner
Cast: David Love; Dawn Bender; Bryan Grant; Harvey B. Dunn; Tom Graeff; King Moody; Helen Sage; Frederick Welch; Carl Dickensen; Sonia Torgeson; Billy Bridges; James Conklin; Gene Sterling; Ralph Lowe; Bill DeLand; Ursula Hansen; Jim MacGeorge
Year: 1959
Duration: 86
Genre: Science fiction
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: No


 An extraterrestrial space ship lands on Earth to use it as a farm for its food supply. The crew of the ship includes teenagers, two of whom oppose each other in their activities.

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