Amor bajo cero

Amor bajo cero

Original title: Amor bajo cero
Production: As Producción; Sintes Films
Country: Spain
Director: Ricardo Blasco
Script: Pedro Masó; Antonio Vich
Photography: Alejandro Ulloa
Music: Augusto Algueró
Cast: Tony Leblanc; Concha Velasco; George Rigaud; Katia Loritz; Ángel Jordán; Marta Padován; Jaime Avellán; Alberto Berco; Ángela Bravo; Matilde Muñoz Sampedro; Manuel Alexandre; Delia Luna; Emilio Fábregas; Pedro Osinaga
Year: 1960
Duration: 83
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 On the occasion of an international ski competition at La Molina, runners from different countries, and their respective coaches, come to Barcelona. They all become friends, especially Nuria and Ramón, who meet aboard a luxury yacht in the harbor, which makes her think in a different social position than the one he actually has, as Ramón is a yacht's sailor.

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