The return of Rin Tin Tin

The return of Rin Tin Tin

Original title: The return of Rin Tin Tin
Production: Romay Pictures Inc.
Country: United States
Director: Max Nosseck
Script: Jack DeWitt
Photography: Carl Berger
Music: Leo Erdody
Cast: Donald Woods; Robert Blake; Steve Pendleton; Claudia Drake
Year: 1947
Duration: 65
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: English; Spanish
Keywords: Family cinema, cine familiar, dogs, perros


The return of Rin Tin Tin stars Donald Woods as an American priest assigned to a postwar European mission. Bobby Blake is a young war orphan whose harrowing experiences have soured him on mankind. Father Woods brings the boy to America, but the lad is still unapproachable until he befriends Rin Tin Tin. The dog restores the boy's zest for living and faith in humanity. A villain threatens to take the dog away.

Based on an original idea by William Stephens.

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