My greatest escape

My greatest escape

Original title: Ne me libérez pas, je m'en charge
Production: Le Bureau
Country: France
Director: Fabienne Godet
Script: Fabienne Godet; Franck Vassal
Photography: Crystel Fournier
Music: Xavier Godet
Cast: Michel Vaujour
Year: 2008
Duration: 107
Genre: Biographical documentary
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: English


Michel Vaujour, old robber, always preferred escape to prison, adventure to submission, freedom to law. Within 30 years, he has spent 27 years in prison - including 17 in solitary confinement.- and he will escape five times before getting conditional discharge in 2003. If this life has often exposed him to the worst, it has also brought an incredible face-to-face with himself. Over time, this headlong rush became an inner ascent, an outline of philosophy in which he had to overcome a certain sense of himself, the life and others.


Nominated for a César Award 2010: Best Documentary Film

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