Man's gentle love

Man's gentle love

Original title: Le doux amour des hommes
Production: Centre National de la Cinématographie (CNC); Les Films Pelléas
Country: France
Director: Jean-Paul Civeyrac
Script: Jean-Paul Civeyrac
Photography: Céline Bozon
Cast: Renaud Bécard; Claire Perot; Marie-Joséphine Crenn; Serge Bozon; Raphaël Bianchin; Marie Rousseau; Odile Grosset-Grange; Vanessa Le Reste; Maï David; Armelle Legrand; Odile Vuillemin; Xavier Maly; Élodie Mennegand; Delphine Le Goff; Lola Gans
Year: 2002
Duration: 80
Genre: Romance
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: English
Keywords: Drama


Raoul Vallonges is a young man who collects female conquests. He is looking for a love that seems unattainable, but he soon meets Jeanne, a woman with a free and tragic life.

Based on a novel by Jean de Tinan.

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