La cuna vacía

La cuna vacía

Original title: La cuna vacía
Production: Artistas Argentinos Asociados (AAA)
Country: Argentina
Director: Carlos Rinaldi
Script: Florencio Escardó
Photography: Francis Boeniger
Music: Lucio Demare
Cast: Susana Campos; Ernesto Bianco; Orestes Caviglia; María Esther Buschiazzo; Zoe Ducós; Alberto de Mendoza; Ángel Magaña
Year: 1949
Duration: 113
Genre: Drama
Color: BW
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


Towards 1860, the doctor and poet Ricardo Gutiérrez suffers a disappointment in love: his girlfriends marries his best friend. He refugees then into his profession. He fights in the War of the Triple Alliance, where many friends of him die. This, inspire him one of his best poems, where he condems the massacre. With eagerness, he plans the creation of a Children Hospital, something that would led to many sacrifices.

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