Los peores del barrio

Los peores del barrio

Original title: Los peores del barrio
Country: Argentina
Director: Julio Saraceni
Script: Maximo Aguirre
Photography: Vicente Cosentino
Music: Alejandro Gutiérrez del Barrio
Cast: Rafael Carret; Jorge Luz; Zelmar Gueñol; Guillermo Rico; Pepita Muñoz; Don Pelele; Hugo Chemin; Gloria Montes; Lita Moreno; Alberto Contreras; Aida Villadeamigo
Year: 1955
Duration: 68
Genre: Comedy
Color: BW
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


A woman, annoyed by the noise caused by a club run by the Five Great of the Good Mood, makes everything she can so her husband, the owner of the land, sells it and so, the club has to close. But she doesn't count with the group's ingenuity, that organise events to collect money to buy the land.

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