

Original title: Gitano
Country: Argentina
Director: Emilio Vieyra
Script: Salvador Valverde Calvo
Photography: Oscar Melli
Music: Jorge López Ruiz
Cast: Sandro; Ricardo Bauleo; Soledad Silveyra; Silvina Rada; Pedro Buchardo; Juan Carlos Galván; Noemí Laserre; Romualdo Quiroga; Alejandro Anderson; Isidro Fernán Valdés
Year: 1970
Duration: 90
Genre: Musical
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Keywords: romance, drama


 Roberto and Miguel are friends and both work in a theme park. Roberto is a gypsy and is in love with Carmen. Miguel has an argument with the park's owner and kills him by accident. A misunderstanding makes everybody blame Roberto for it and he runs away. Time after both friends meet at a circus.

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