Perdido por perdido

Perdido por perdido

Original title: Perdido por perdido
Country: Argentina
Director: Alberto Lecchi
Script: Alberto Lecchi
Photography: José Luis García
Music: Julián Vat
Cast: Ricardo Darín; Enrique Pinti; Carolina Papaleo; Ana María Picchio; Fernando Siro; Alberto Segado; Julia Von Grolman; Walter Santa Ana; José María López; Cristina Fridman; Jorge Schubert; Marcos Woinsky
Year: 1993
Duration: 93
Genre: Thriller
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 A young man, unable to pay the rent of the apartment he lives in with his wife, decides to participate in a siwindle. Allied with an insurance company investigator they confront a powerful economic organization.


 Winner of a Silver Condor at the Argentinean Film Critics Association Awards 1994: Best Supporting Actor (Enrique Pinti)

Nominated for 2 Silver Condor, 1994: Best Supporting Actress (Ana María Picchio), and, Best First Film (Alberto Lecchi)

Winner of 2 Awards at the Havana Film Festival 1993: Best Editing (Alejandro Alem), and, Best Supporting Actor (Enrique Pinti)

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