Chiche bombón

Chiche bombón

Original title: Chiche bombón
Country: Argentina
Director: Fernando Musa
Script: Fernando Musa; Gustavo Romero Borri
Photography: Daniel Ortega
Music: Pedro Gómez; Martin Chebli Murad
Cast: Andrea Galante; Federico Canepa; Ingrid Pelicori; Enrique Liporace; Gonzalo Urtizberea; Renee Roxana Darin; Miguel Dedovich
Year: 2005
Duration: 90
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 At 27, Chiche, a beautiful and inmature girl, gets pregnant of her boyfriend, her 18-year-old neighbour, Mariano. This causes that his parents throw him out of the house. Chiche and Marianito would have to face an hostile society.

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