The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Original title: The Strange Love of Martha Ivers
Production: Cinetel
Country: United States
Director: Lewis Milestone
Script: Robert Rossen
Photography: Victor Milner
Music: Miklos Rozsa
Cast: Kirk Douglas; Barbara Stanwyck; Van Hefflin; Lizabeth Scott
Year: 1946
Duration: 116
Genre: Thriller
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Keywords: Film-noir; cine negro


Martha Smith Yvers (Barbara Stanwyck) is a young woman who tries to escape the clutches of her possessive aunt with her friend Sam Masterson (Van Heflin), but fails time and time again. During a last attempt, in a fit of anger and frustration, she pushes her aunt down the stairs, causing her death, which is witnessed by Sam and Walter (Kira Douglas), the son of the guardian of her. She will say that her aunt was the victim of a murderer. Years later, a fortuitous car accident will bring Sam to a stop in Iverstown, where he will meet up with Walter, a brilliant district attorney and his now wife, Martha, a wealthy industrialist. The couple will think that Sam is back to blackmail them, leading to a continuing series of misunderstandings, plots and conspiracies.


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