Juana Azurduy

Juana Azurduy

Original title: Juana Azurduy, guerrillera de la patria grande
Production: Fundación Grupo Ukamau
Country: Bolivia
Director: Jorge Sanjinés
Script: Jorge Sanjinés
Photography: Cesar Pérez
Music: Cergio Prudencio
Cast: Mercedes Piti Campos; Cristian Mercado; Fernando Arze; Jorge Hidalgo; Iván Canelas Lizárraga
Year: 2016
Duration: 103
Genre: Biopic
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish-Quechua
Subtitles: English; Spanish for Quechua
Keywords: Bolivia; Simón Bolívar; Chuquisaca


 The Liberators Simón Bolivar and Antonio José de Sucre visit Mrs Juana Azurduy de Padilla in November 1825 in the city of Chuquisaca. Living in poverty, the heroine welcomes the distinguished visitors in the patio of her humble room. There, the Liberators are astonished to hear from her own lips the stories and ups and downs, and also her own experience, during the 16 years of fierce battle against the Spanish rule.


Honor Foundation - FiCiP International Political Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (May 2017)
Best Film of the Festival. Best Director - 2nd Guayaquil International Film Festival. (2016)
LATINAMERIKA I FOKUS, Malmo, Sweden. (2016)
Best Actress Award. Best Director Award. Best Direction of Photography Award. Best Film Award - Oruro International Film Festival. (2016)

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