Fuera de aquí

Fuera de aquí

Original title: Fuera de aquí
Production: Fundación Grupo Ukamau
Country: Ecuador
Director: Jorge Sanjinés
Script: Beatriz Palacios; Jorge Sanjinés
Photography: Roberto Siso; Julio Lencina; Ramón Arellano
Music: Conjunto Los Jatari (Ecuador); Los Rupay (Bolivia); Música vernacular del Ecuador;
Cast: Campesinos de Ecuador
Year: 1977
Duration: 100
Genre: Historical
Color: BW
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish-Quechua
Subtitles: Spanish for Quechua
Keywords: Ecuador; Andes; misioneros; costumbres; tradiciones


 Filmed in the Ecuadorian Andes. The indigenous people are gradually expelled from their lands through different mechanisms of coercion or direct repression. All in favor of a mining operation. The intervention of foreign missionaries dedicated, among other activities, to the sterilization of indigenous women and to introduce elements that distort
indigenous customs, traditions and cultures to insert them into a type of development that has marginalized them for centuries. Resistance is possible thanks to the unity and firmness of the Andean culture.

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