

Original title: Return
Country: Spain
Director: Javier Ríos
Year: 2019
Duration: 70
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Keywords: Política, Medio ambiente, Salud, Ecología


 Global warming and pollution, as well as the increase of diseases and epidemics are closely linked to economic growth. The economic treaties that seek to regularize trade at the expense of the rights and freedoms of millions of workers, as well as the wars we are experiencing, for the control of natural resources, see what many call "collapse". Meanwhile, the mass media direct public opinion to other issues that are much more superfluous, which makes us suspect who obey. There are too many silences on these issues that should be central to the whole debate of our society. RETURN raises all these questions through different experts of very different profiles to try to shed a little light on the complexity of the present that we live.


 Another Way Film Festival 2018 - Official Selection (Spain)

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