Welcome Monsieur Robucho

Welcome Monsieur Robucho

Original title: Bienvenue Monsieur Robuchon
Production: Visual Comunicación
Country: Spain
Director: Iñigo Ruiz; Virginia Jönas; Jesús Javier Ruiz
Year: 2018
Duration: 51
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish; English


 Dani García offers a tribute to one of his gastronomic idols, Joël Robuchon, one of the best chefs in history. Robuchon is a world figure that has marked the cuisine of several of these great chefs, who now meet in Marbella to offer a dinner tribute to one of their teachers. The complicity, love, work well done, are values on which this documentary pivots, in which a meeting between friends ends up being a whole celebration of gastronomy.

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