

Original title: Reinas
Production: Mansa Productora
Country: Panama
Director: Ana Endara Mislov
Script: Ana Endara Mislov
Photography: Ana Endara Mislov; Francisco Málaga; Raphael Salazar
Cast: Astrid Carolina Tejada; Astrid Herrera; Irina Serrano; Grancheskis Restrepo; Angeles Contreras Zamora; Luis Gonzales; Justine Diaz
Year: 2013
Duration: 65
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English


 A kinder girl, a supermarket cashier and an old woman in a nursing home have something in common; They want to be queens. They do not want to win a beauty contest; the reigns are something else. In Panama there is a crown for those who dream it; a country without an official monarchy full of Queens.

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