Wara Wara

Wara Wara

Original title: Wara Wara
Production: Urania Films
Country: Bolivia
Director: José María Velasco Maidana
Script: José María Velasco Maidana
Photography: José María Velasco Maidana
Music: José María Velasco Maidana
Cast: Juanita Tallansier; Dámaso Eduardo Delgado; Emmo Reyes; Arturo Borda; Eduardo Camacho
Year: 1930
Duration: 65
Genre: Silent films
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Intertitles in Spanish


 Wara Wara, daughter of curaca Calicuma and de Nitaya, resides in Hatum Colla, capital of Collasuyo. Her life has a radical change the day she meets Captain Tristín de la Vega and a love is born between them that is rejected by the Wara Wara co-owners, for whom the princess represented the hope of a future vindication of her race against the abuses of the invaders.

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