I'm not from here

I'm not from here

Original title: Yo no soy de aquí
Production: Micromundo Producciones
Country: Chile
Director: Maite Alberdi; Giedre Zickyte
Script: Maite Alberdi; Juan Eduardo Murillo; Sebastián Brahm
Photography: Pablo Valdés
Music: Boris Herrera
Year: 2016
Duration: 25
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English


 Josebe (88) lives in a nursing home in Chile. She is obsessed with knowing where the rest of the inhabitants of the home come from, they all explain that they are Chilean, not Spaniards like her. Josebe insists on recalling his youth in the Basque country. After almost a year living in the residence, she has trouble remembering that she lives in a nursing home, and in Chile more than 70 years ago, she still feels very much alive in her native land.


 Visions du Reel Festival, Switzerland 2016, Best Short Film

DocumentaMadrid 2016 Festival, Audience Award

DocumentaMadrid 2016 Festival, Best Short Film

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