Zero zero belge

Zero zero belge

Original title: Zero zero belge
Production: Dragons Films; Dragway Productions
Country: France
Director: Pascal Rocteur
Script: Pascal Rocteur; Vincent Fournier
Photography: Bruno Degrave
Music: Michel Duprez
Cast: Patrick Ridremont; Guy Cohen; Michel Nabokoff; Hugues Hausman; Kristiaan Debusheer
Year: 2015
Duration: 74
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: English


Harry Applefish, an isolated Belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lead to a chaotic, absurd situation. He is convinced of being the victim of a major conspiracy lead by his chief, Mister Brain.


Winner of the Jury Prize, at the Paris Independent Film Festival 2015 : Best Micro-budget Feature Film


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